
An (Old) Update!

** So I found this post in my drafts, I guess I forgot to publish it. It is a few months old, but still worth posting I think.

So, I think I'm at that point where although I'm going to school full-time and working part-time, I feel like I have no time to do anything, but I also feel like I waste a lot of time doing nothing. Make sense to you? Me neither.

Anyway, one of the things that is in the "no time to do anything" category is updating this blog.

We are more than halfway done with our second-to-last semester of school! And I can already feel the senior-itis setting it. Next semester I'll be working still and I'll be taking 17.5 credits. I'm so scared! But I'm also really excited to take some more graphic design classes. I really want to learn and get as much experience as I can before we graduate. Chase will be taking 12 credits, so he'll really get to focus on his classes. Let's be honest, him taking 12 credits is probably equivalent to me taking 20 because his classes are so hard. So we are all registered and ready to get done with this whole school thing.

So what has been on our mind's lately?
  • Well, Nate and Steph, my brother and sis-in-law, are expecting a little baby! We are really excited for them. We keeping hoping Steph's tummy will be all big when we get to see them in a few weeks.

  • Mama and Papa Child came down to see us this week! It was their first time doing a session in the Rexburg Temple, and they loved it. It really is gorgeous in there. We went and got pizza and ice cream and had a great night catching up with them. They are amazing parents...I couldn't have imagined having greater in-laws. They make me feel so loved and included in their family.

  • Christina, Chase's sister, came down this weekend too! Okay, so we set her up on a blind date with one of Chase's classmates. I feel bad because she has been on a lot of blind dates, and I'm pretty sure blind dates are always awkward no matter what, but I think everyone had a lot of fun. Me and Chris both nailed Chase in the head with the ball when we played Wally Ball, so I know that we had fun at least. Oh, and we had pizza. Again. I'm starting to get the idea that we're not very healthy.

  • Mother's day was last month, and tomorrow is Father's day. My parents have been on my mind a lot, which isn't always a good thing because ever since Chase and I got married I am a big baby and cry more than I ever have in my life. So I've been reflecting a lot lately on my Mom and Dad. They are so amazing. They have both taught me so much about how I should treat others and how I should live my life, but more than anything, they have taught me about what kind of mother (or parent) I want to be.

    My mom and dad are not perfect. They are not perfect people or perfect parents. But I have realized that they are perfect at loving their children. They would do anything to help their kids, even when it means that they sacrifice and give up a lot of things that they shouldn't have to go without. My mom is constantly just thinking of any little thing she could do for her children, and given even the slightest opportunity, she is always there – ready to conquer the world for them. She is amazing and always has a solution to a problem. She loves her children so much – they are her whole world. I want to be that kind of mother to my children some day. And then there's my papa. Anyone who really knows me knows that he is my hero. I could list a million reasons why, but it would literally take all day. He sacrifices so much for us. He is so kind and calm and caring and selfless. He is one of those rare people that gives without asking for anything in return. He is a true example of Christ-like love.

    So those are my parents. They are so important to me and I will always be forever grateful for all that they have done for me and taught me. They are two of my best friends. :)