A couple of weeks ago we had Finn's blessing. It was so fun because Chase's whole family (except his brother Dan and his cute fam) came down from Idaho for the weekend! They loved the AZ weather. Anyway, they arrived at 6:30 on a Friday morning, and since they couldn't check in to their hotel room, they crashed on our living room floor. Sorry guys, our living room is small. :)
We had lots of fun shopping, swimming, playing volleyball, and passing around Finn so everyone could get a little kissing and cuddling in. We're so grateful they made the long drive here!

I love my two handsome boys so much! They are adorable. :)

Chase's family, minus his brother, and plus his new soon-to-be brother-in-law! (Yay Christina!!)

The Grandpas

The Payne side. Love them. :)

Some of our friends came too!

Definitely a day we'll never forget. Chase gave a sweet and simple blessing for our perfect little boy. He's such an amazing dad. :)