We tried really hard to keep it cheap - but I still probably spent too much considering how decorated the rest of our house is. Oh well, it was fun. Here's a little breakdown, just for the sake of us remembering:
- Crib - gift from Mama & Papa Payne!
- Dresser, shelving tower, 2 white shelves on wall, and lamp - $85 as a bundle on Craig's List! (Yes, I feel like we stole from them! Such a good deal.)
- New lampshade - $15 from Ikea
- Rocker - $35 on Craig's List, fabric to recover was $40 = $75
- Curtains - $10 from Ikea
- Valance - DIY, fabric was $16
- Birdcage - $15 on Etsy
- Big stuffed bird - homemade by my Mom
- Baskets - $20 from Ikea
- Nightstand - $30, half off from Ikea's "as is" section
- Owl Nightlight - $25 from Urban Outfitters, can you tell I splurged on silly things?
- Frames - 50% off at Hobby Lobby, I think about $40 for the big one and three small ones.
- Bedding - $40 on Ebay. Really, we're only using the bumper, so wasn't such a good deal in hindsight.
- Ottoman for rocker - $18 from Walmart
- Paint for walls (Benjamin Moore Gray Horse), molding, and spray paint - $50
- Little nicknacks - under $10 from the thrift store and Joanns.
Sorry Blogger is lame so these pictures are not in order.

Hi! I just found your blog.... adorable nursery!! You did a great job, and on a budget too!
Hi! Thanks for your comments on my blog. Sorry, I forgot to mention I am in nursing school with krystal skaar...we were exchanging blogs then I was searching through her favorite ones. Are you friends? related? I am glad that I stumbled upon yours, super cute!! I am forever looking for inspiration, advice, and tips about having a kid. Hope you're having a good day...
Very cute nursery... found it from Spearmint Baby. Love the grey walls and always forget about that color. It looks great!
This is the cutest nursery ever! I'm in love! I want to do something similar if we're having a boy & if another girl add touches of pink in with the yellow, & grey. What color paint did you paint the walls? I love it! I found your blog from Spearmint Baby. (Love that site! deff helps when looking at nursery ideas!) You did such a great job!! Your son is soo cute btw too! Congrads!
Karin Marie :)
Love it!!! Yes, please share the paint color!!!
Thank you so much! I'm glad you guys like it! The color is Benjamin Moore Grey Horse.
Very cute nursery! I also found you from Spearmint Baby. I don't know why I didn't think about doing grey when we did our son's nursery. I think we may have to repaint when he gets a little older. Thanks for the inspiration!
What is the brand and name of your crib? I love the gray and white of your nursery!
Thanks! It's the Annabelle crib by Million Dollar Baby: http://www.milliondollarbaby.com/products/annabelle-4-in-1-convertible-crib
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